Alexandria Wrestling Club Home of the Junior Titans
NVWF 2023-2024 Code of Conduct
The NVWF Code of Conduct is strict and serious in our sport. All people associated with the sport are always expected to act with sportsmanship, dignity and respect for others. This includes coaches, parents/spectators, wrestlers, and referees.
Poor sportsmanship includes:
- Arguing with coaches, officials, teammates, opponents or spectators
- Using threatening or profane language- Baiting or taunting coaches, officials, teammates, opponents or spectators
- Unsafe play
- Uncontrolled behavior on and off the mat.
Poor sportsmanship will carry, at a minimum, the following consequences:
First Offense: Verbal warning and/or dismissal from meet
Second Offense: Dismissal from current and following meet
Third Offense: Dismissal from NVWF
I have discussed the NVWF Code of Conduct with my child, and we agree to abide by it. We understand that there is no refund or recourse for dismissal from our program as a consequence of breaking this Code of Conduct.
NVWF Medical Waiver
I am aware that participating in NVWF wrestling may involve traveling with the team. I acknowledge and accept the risks inherent in this sport and with the travel involved and with this knowledge in mind, I grant permission for my child/ward to participate in this sport and travel with their team. In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to physicians selected by the NVWF coaches/staff to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for and to order injection and/or anesthesia and/or surgery for my child.
NVWF Membership Agreement
In consideration of the above registered wrestler (Participant) being allowed to participate in the Northern Virginia Wrestling Federation/affiliated clubs sponsored wrestling practices, meets and tournaments for the 2023 - 2024 season: said Participant and his/her legal parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s), for themselves and each of their heirs, personal representatives and assigns, to the fullest extent lawfully permitted, release, discharge and covenant not to sue the Federation or its affiliated clubs, and their respective officers, administrators, coaches, trainers, meet coordinators, referees, sponsors, sponsoring agencies and advertisers, or the owners and lessors of premises in which such events occur, with respect to any and all claims, damages, or other liabilities arising out of the Participants injury or death occurring during such events, whether in the course of training, travel or competition. The undersigned hereby acknowledge having adequate health insurance necessary to provide and pay for any medical costs that directly or indirectly result from any and all participation in this activity. Each of the undersigned acknowledges the sport of wrestling involves severe physical exertion and intense stress which can result in serious injury or in some rare circumstances, death; he/she agrees to assume the risks of such consequences. This Waiver and Release is freely and voluntarily given with full understanding of the inherent risks of participating in Northern Virginia Wrestling Federations/affiliated clubs wrestling practices and competitions.